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Thula Thula Intermediate Creative Photography Workshop

Wildlife Photography Workshop

Have you considered the challenges you will face with wildlife photography on your Safari?

This kind of photography comes with a unique set of difficulties that you will probably not expect or be prepared for.

Whether you are a professional or an enthusiast, you will more than lightly be used to setting up a creative shoot or going out in the golden hours to take photos. In these scenarios you will have some control of your subject, position, angle and time to retake your shot during the perfect window of light, golden light ….right?

Here is the difference with wildlife photography on safari…

Once you head out into the bush on a game drive, you will be filled with incredible excitement and anticipation for what you will encounter!

Experienced rangers will decide on the route and track the wildlife, but there are no guarantees of what you will find, you may come across completely unexpected sightings, in bright / high contrast light, (very bright light with dark areas of shadow) or you might get lucky with a perfect line up sometime during the golden hours of light, but all of this is completely out of your control.

To add a little more to this scenario, the vehicle may be positioned facing into the sun, with a tree or some other obstruction in your composition and you will not be able to move your position to compensate for this. Once you are in a sighting, things can happen really fast and you have to be prepared.

If not and you dial in the wrong settings, take your eye off the subject, even for a second, you could easily miss an extra ordinary moment, that can never be reconstructed.

These are the things that I will help you prepare for on the Thula Thula Intermediate Creative Wildlife Photography Workshop.

Understanding your camera settings, the technical options and how these options impact your photos is crucial. Being able to adjust your settings, according to the light, movement or your desired effect is what you will learn about. This will give you confidence in these situations and the technical skill so that you can be able to keep your cool when the pressure is on and fully immerse yourself in the sighting while capturing these moments in time from your unique perspective to show and share with the world.

You are welcome to contact me on for more info or to book your spot.

27 April – 1 May 2019

R10 000.00 per person including accommodation at the Thula Thula Volunteers Academy, all activities and game drives as well as food.

Limited to 7 People Max

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